rustic backyard wedding

rustic backyard wedding

rustic backyard wedding

rustic backyard wedding

rustic backyard wedding

rustic backyard wedding

rustic backyard wedding

rustic backyard wedding

rustic backyard wedding

rustic backyard wedding

Processed with VSCOcam with f3 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with x1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f3 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f3 preset

I was honored to be able to shoot this beautiful wedding. It really was an amazing day :)

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  1. Beautiful Wedding and a Beautiful Bride!
    Do you shoot in the Manual setting?

  2. Thank you :) & Yes. I shoot manual.

  3. We are so humbled by all the love. Thank you Juli for the amazing gift that is your friendship. Thank you for blessing us with the work of your hands. We love your beautiful little family!

  4. Love you SO much. It was such a privilege to be a part of this beautiful wedding. :)

  5. Wow, so good! I have my first wedding next week :) Any tips?

  6. This was my first wedding too. I was actually shooting with another girl, which made the job a lot easier since you can split the load. Tips: Get your face shots [important], but try to take pictures of as many details as you can (I realized this after I was editing, I could've had a lot more details than just face shots) the dress, the shoes, the rings, the guests, etc. Oh! & make sure you have a clear shot for the first kiss because it goes by in an instant and it's done. Besides that have fun and stay calm throughout the whole event. :)

  7. oh my god! there are so beautiful and authentic, so moving, if i ever get married i want my wedding to have exactly this kind of positive vibe :D

  8. It Really was so simple & beautiful and you're right, such a positive vibe.



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