Sweater: East & Lo [Here] // Skirt: Forever 21 [Here] // Necklace: Love Culture // Shoes: Target

Now that finally Miami weather has gone down to 70's & low 80's it's time for cute comfy sweaters! YAY! I fell in love with this sweater from East & Lo because it is light and oh so comfy, and of course very affordable which is always a plus in my books. After I received my package in the mail I knew a photoshoot was soon to come. So I stopped by Vista View park with my camera and tripod in hand and snapped some photos. Thankfully there weren't too many people around, because it's always awkward when you are taking photos in public places by yourself of yourself, but oh well, C'est la vie! The weather was perfect and the sun and sky were magical. Hope your Monday is a beautiful one. :)

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  1. Cute sweater & gorgeous pictures!

    1. Thanks! The sweater is seriously so perfect for this weather we're having :)

  2. they're beautiful. you're beautiful! love you friend.

    1. Thanks! I miss having you in the blogging world. But I hope business and everything is going well. :)

  3. Wow, so beautiful pictures, love the last one. *__*
    Lovely greets Nessa

  4. Love everything about this post! You are stunning! <3

  5. lovely and props for you for taking the photos yourself, doing posing in public always makes me feel a tad awkward, so high five for pushing past that!

    1. hehe... it's taken me some time to get comfortable posing in front of no one -___- , but as I said C'est La Vie! :D

  6. Oh I love that sweater so much. I've been looking for something like that, just simple and comfy - Naty

    1. Thanks Naty it means a lot coming from you! You should check out their website, there are a ton of cute stuff and it's super affordable www.eastandlo.com

  7. that sweater looks so comfy!!! love

  8. Eeep I'm loving the cooler weather out here in Texas too! Taking photos of yourself can be super awkward...I just tell myself that people probably think I'm a photography student learning the art of self photography lol. These photos are gorgeous! That necklace is like whoa, your hair like whoa, and that sun action is like whoa...loving everything.

    xo erica



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