Mia Sky Williams was born in an August afternoon weighing 6lbs 2oz, and 18" in length. My baby girl has brought out all types of emotions that I've never felt in my life. From the deepest love I have ever felt for anyone, to feeling completely lost and unprepared to have the responsibility to be her momma. Having this little child in my responsibility and care makes me cry, laugh, and feel feelings that no one can describe.

I had planned from the moment I got pregnant to share her birth story in my blog and had been looking forward to it for a long time. However, my so thought plans completely turned as I tried to have a completely natural, drug free birth, that ended in an emergency c-section. I'm still extremely emotional thinking about everything that happened to bring this little baby to this world alive and healthy. So as much as I wanted and thought I would share her birth story right away, I want to be completely honest and say that I still need time to process everything that happened. All of that to say that I am so thankful to have doctors and professionals that are trained to deliver healthy babies in all types of situations.

I am thankful to God that both her and I are alive and completely healthy. I have times when I look at her and I completely break down of how precious she is and how thankful I am to call her my daughter. I am excited to learn and share with you through my experiences of motherhood. So here we go, the beginning of a new journey!


  1. I am so proud of you, I am absent of words. I look at you and see remnants of Juli from high school but you're such a beautiful (as you've always been) and kind WOMAN, WIFE and MOTHER!! Welcome Baby Mia Sky!!

    1. Aw! Wow thank you so much. I can't believe how fast time goes by and yes now with all those roles to fill. I really appreciate your words from the bottom of my heart <3

  2. She is simply beautiful!!! May God bless her always!!!

  3. Hi Julie, I hope you have a fast recovery from your c-section. I'm not a mom, but I have been there for my sister who gave me the honor to be the aunt of my lovely niece Andrea. She's only 20 and my niece is 4 months old, at first she was so scared to even hold her, and in just these 4 months I have seen my sister grow into this mommy role, I can't even recognized her. With all that said, it is completely normal to feel a bit lost in the process, you will catch up to it so soon and with such experience that you will look back at this post and say to your self "I got this"!

    Congrats on your gorgeous baby girl, she's just precious. You and your family are truly blessed, enjoy these days, they grow so fast. It's so incredibly amazing when they hold your finger, when they look at you for the first time, when they make those little noises, their first smile... You are in for a great adventure, I apologize for the super long message, blessings =)

    1. Thank you. And I really appreciate the long, yet so encouraging message. For whatever reason it gives me so much peace to know that other people have been through the same situation and now are so much confident in their role as mothers. I really do want to look back at this post and see how much I've grown, because that's life right?
      Thank you for following along in this journey and for being so encouraging! I really appreciate all of your kind words, thank you, thank you.

  4. Congratulations! What a sweet sweet blessing. C-sections are tough stuff. Praying for supernatural strength and peace for the rough moments and painful ones. God is with you and He will equip you. For everything that you are not, He says I AM.

    1. Amen! Thank you so much Raquel. I really did need the reminder today

  5. Oh my goodness she really is beyond precious! Got a bit teary reading your words, what an intense journey for you, so glad everyone is okay :) Congratulations on your girl - beautiful photos too!

    1. Thank you Fee. Yes, a bit of an emotional experience and yet so thankful we are all healthy and well.

  6. congratulations!! i remember when it was thanksgiving time and you announced that you were expecting. yes, take your time and process everything. so happy for you and your family. take care. xx

    1. Thank you. Yes, can't believe it's been that long of journey it feels just like yesterday that I found out I was pregnant. But she's finally here and the start of a new season. :)



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