When I was pregnant I learned about baby wearing so from the minute I had my baby I knew I wanted to try it out. But I didn't know where to start, so like a lot of people I bought a Moby Wrap, however, with the hot weather in Florida and the thick material of the wrap I knew there had to be something better out there, and that is when I found out about The Happy Wrap, and I became obsessed with baby wearing, I fell involve with the soft fabric perfect for hot weather and sturdy enough to carry my now 6 month old. So since I know not everyone knows how to baby wear I decided to make this video. :) I hope you like it.

As far as my experience baby wearing I found it really easy to do and to get used to, plus my baby loves it too which makes it easy to love. There are a lot of other baby wearing carriers which I want to try and hopefully share more with you. I also have tried an Ergo carrier, however it puts way too much pressure in my lower abdomen for my c-section scar, so I haven't been a fan of it. For now the wrap has been my favorite. Let me know if there's a carrier you love and why.

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  1. Ahh you and Mia are so cute! I love seeing Mum's wearing their babies with these cute wraps or carriers and I think your video is perfect at explaining/showing the process!

    1. Thanks! Yes, baby wearing it's just so much fun. I personally love it.

  2. yay super good video Juli! I wasn't a fan of the moby wrap either. I will have to try this on next time around :)

    1. I felt the same way, I had a Moby as my first wrap but I felt like with the Florida weather it was just too hot to wear out. So I was really happy with the fabric of the Happy Wrap.



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