DRESS: TOBI SHOES: H&M Photos: Simply Lively Styling: Pamela Chades

Dressing up as a mom takes a ton of time management and help, as I mentioned on my previous post. So taking the time to get ready and doing my hair and makeup to take these photos brought me back to my high school years; specifically to prom night. I wish I could tell you that when choosing a prom dress I went for a classy, sophisticated look, but the truth is I didn't. Instead I chose the puffy princess prom dress, because at the time it was my dream to have the "movie" prom dress. I now look at girls in this generation and their dresses are so classy, almost as if they are all going to a red carpet event. Times were quite different before social media. There was no pressure on looking like a movie-star because the only people that remembered what you looked like were your parents and your group of friends that also wore puffy prom dresses. It was a different time back then.

So now that I've matured in my personal style I know that a great staple to own is a little black dress. Because a girl can never go wrong with wearing a black dress to any occasion. So the minute I saw this black skater dress, with the high neckline and open back from TOBI, I fell in love. I know I will wear this dress to many occasions and it's become one of my husbands favorite pieces for me to wear which it's a plus. Because hey, it feels awesome to know that you can still look good for your husband even after baby. ;)

For more clothing ideas, here are some Tobi favorites: DressesCrop TopsRompersMaxi Dresses, Party Dresses, Jumpsuits, Midi Dresses, Cocktail Dresses, Prom Dresses

TOBI is also offering 50% off your first purchase. Thank you to TOBI for this collaboration.


  1. Ahh you're so beautiful! love everything about this outfit and those shoes are killer :)

  2. Wow, I haven't been to your blog in such a long time! Anyways, I absolutely love this dress. It looks so great on you, Juli :) x candace



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