Finding beautiful magazines is one my favorite things to do. I can spend hours in the magazine racks at Barnes & Noble trying to find a beautiful magazine to take home. However, this time I found Deeply Rooted Magazine after I saw an Instagram photo one of my friends posted and after following the magazine on Instagram for a little while I knew I had to get myself a copy. And when I did receive my copy I was so pleased with everything about the magazine starting on the beautiful packaging it came in and the exceptional quality of the paper the magazine is printed on. It feels more like a coffee table book than a magazine in my opinion.
But that would be nothing if the content was bad, but the content is exceptional. Deeply Rooted is a magazine that encourages, educates, and inspires Christ-following women into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ so they may become deeply rooted in their faith. And they do that so well, with beautiful articles on discipleship, journaling and other fun articles including recipes and DIY's. Reading each article has truly inspired me to take steps in my faith journey and in my relationship with God. I truly love this magazine and the positive impact it has had on my life and in my relationship with my husband. I am happy to see how more women are stepping out to create excellent products for other women in creative and beautiful ways.
Instagram: @deeplyrootedmag
Twitter: @deeplyrootedmag
Facebook: Deeply Rooted Magazine
Pinterest: Deeply Rooted Magazine
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