How far along are you?
I'm 22 weeks. And in less than a week I will be officially 6 months. Gosh only 3 months to go.

Baby's Size
Baby is the size of a Spaghetti Squash.

Belly Button In or Out?
Belly Button is still in however, I do see the inside a lot more and after any meal I feel like it's just gonna pop out.

Any Changes?
Yes, I now definitely look pregnant. So I get a lot more comments, questions and remarks from strangers. As well as a lot of hands on my belly. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It's just a strange feeling when people rub it... :S mh. Because I know they feel like they're touching the baby, but they really are touching me. Thankfully no males have dared and they better not. lol.

Changes to the home?
You know how last post I told you I had "organized" the baby's soon to be room? Yeah, well I'm sitting here blogging now and it's a mess... sigh. I guess I have to have another cleaning day to arrange it all better.

Anything exciting?
Baby girl has continued to move around, she has resting days and very active days. Every time I'm in the car with the music loud and singing out loud she moves a lot and I love it. Now, I not only feel kicks and punches but also rolls and that tickles a lot. Also, my friends are planning my baby shower and I'm so excited about that also. I can't wait to take lots of photos and share it with you all.

Thankfully baby and I are healthy and she is growing slowly but surely, as am I. ;)


  1. I cannot wait to see the baby shower pictures! baby showers are always fun! Also, if you need help with the baby room, girl I am always available you just need to say. :) You look gorgeous! And about people touching your belly, I've never been pregnant but I think I would definitely not feel comfortable with people touching me... this is why I don't touch belly's unless I ask first. :)

    1. Aw. Thanks you are so sweet, and I will keep that in mind. :) and yes I cannot wait for the baby shower eek!

  2. Cute as ever Juli! And I love your dress. I can't wait to hold this baby girl!!! <3

    1. Thanks Chrissy! Yes, the dress was a gift from a friend, I love it too! And I know, wanna see what she looks like sooo bad :)

  3. You look beautiful Juli! I can't believe how your belly is growing so fast haha.
    Can't wait to see the baby shower pictures (:

    1. Thank you! I know time is flying and we're both growing with it lol

  4. How cute you look! - oh my goodness almost 6 months too! I thought the part about the belly touching was super interesting. It is true that people think they are touching the baby but it's totes your stomach, makes me want to reconsider doing that in the future, though of course I've only ever asked those near and dear for such an honour!

    1. Hehe, yeah it's a very interesting experience to all of a sudden be touched on your belly.



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