Both my husband and I decided not to get a nursery ready for our baby. We know that she'll be in our room for a while and moving everything we have set up is not necessary. At least not yet. It was important for us to realize, as a couple, that first we needed to have things set up for both of us to be comfortable to make sure she is then also comfortable. So we set up this little baby station in our room, with everything we, baby & I, will need at arms reach. I am getting so excited to actually meet her, and have her in my arms.

To say that I was excited to get all of her little clothes, and things set up is an understatement. Editing these photos gave me a feeling of happiness and nostalgia to know that we have only two months left as a family of two, and then it'll all change. I am ready to welcome her and love her, and I'm excited for daddy to meet her as well. We love you already baby girl. <3

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  1. So excited for you and your family!!! I think getting all the clothes together would be my favorite part of preparing. That little monkey outfit is the cutest!!!!

    xo Erica

    1. I know! That pajama is one of my favorites. And it's sooo little, I can't wait to see it on her. :)

  2. That is so true! In the beginning you're first starting to get adjusted to their needs and demands through the midnight hour. It makes perfect sense to have her at arms length rather than stumbling half asleep into another room. Kudos on doing what works best for you rather than what others say you should do. I'm so excited for you guys!

    1. Thank you! It is difficult to make a decision like that but we are just learning so we'll see what works best as time passes by. Thanks for commenting. :)

  3. Looks super cute Juli!!!! Can't wait to meet your little munchkin.

  4. So super sweet and I still can't believe it's only 2 months now!



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