Yesterday I had the amazing opportunity to attend The Creative's Loft Flower Crown DIY event, at Wynwood Block, and it was absolutely fantastic! We had a lot of fun getting to know other girls in the area, and learning how to make these beautiful flower crowns. If you live in Miami or even visiting I recommend following The Creative's Loft on Instagram for more amazing events. Adriana, our host, was so lovely and did an amazing job putting this event together. Here are some photos of our time :) Happy week!

How lovely do my sister and mommy look?!?! ;)


  1. Replies
    1. Yes. It really was fun. I'm going to try to invite a group of girls to the next one so we can all go :)

  2. lovely photos, juli! I must visit them some day soon.

    1. Thank you! Yeah, if you follow them on IG they'll post the info on the next event. ;)

  3. You guys all look so sweet with your crowns! I imagine it was super fun to get to make them too :)

    1. Making the crowns wasn't as easy as I thought, but finishing them and taking the photos was a blast :D

  4. Absolutely beautiful! Love your dress! :)



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