A couple months ago, while browsing through Barnes & Noble, I stumbled upon the book, Homemade Beauty 150 Simple Beauty Recipes Made from All-Natural Ingredients by Annie Strole. The title immediately called my attention and as I skimmed through the book I was caught.

"Homemade Beauty is a unique collection of 150 all-natural skin, hair & body care recipes that are toxin-free and easy to make yourself." I have always been drawn to making my own beauty products with all-natural ingredients and this book was something I had been looking for without even knowing it was out there.

However, with so much information and blogs out there, it is difficult to know what works and what doesn't. So I am taking on the mission of seeing if this stuff actually works or not and sharing my experience. I will be sharing a recipe, what it is for, how to make it and what was the result after using it for one month.

Obviously, not all the results will be the same for everyone so if you take on the challenge with me I would love to know what your experience and results were like. I can't, for my financial-sake, make every recipe that is found in this book, so if this is something you would be interested in taking forward. I'd recommend to pick up the book for yourself, you can find it HERE. Or at your local Barnes & Noble, or even borrow it from your local library.

Tomorrow, I will be sharing my first recipe and experience. So come back tomorrow to see what I made, and how it went.

*This is not a sponsored post nor a partnership of any kind. I was not paid to create this content nor any post of this series. And all opinions are true and my own.


  1. Oh this is so fun - can't wait to see your results, I'm all for going the natural route!

  2. Thanks! Will look for this book at B&N. Blessings sister!



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