It can be difficult for any newbie mom to know exactly what to add into that baby registry. And yes, even though each mom and baby are different, I wanted to give you a list of things that I believe can be useful to any new mom to survive those first weeks.
Babies go through a lot of diapers so having a couple packs of diapers in size newborn and size 1 is extremely helpful when you arrive home with baby. However, not every baby can wear every size or brand of diapers and you won't know that until baby is here and you've tried different brands and sizes of diapers. So my recommendation would be to have small packs of different brands just in case one doesn't work. Also ask for gift cards to get diapers. One of the best presents I received was a gift card to www.diapers.com because I was able to order the size and brand that fit my baby.Wipes:
Wipes are something that you can stack up on because you will be going through packs and packs of baby wipes, and you won't have to worry about sizing these.Blankets:
Receiving blankets, swaddle blankets, fuzzy blankets, cute blankets... You get my point, any type of blanket. Babies, especially newborn babies, love to feel warm and cozy, and these blankets help meet that need. The reason a lot of these blankets are sold in packs is because these blankets get dirty fast! Babies spit up, poop, pee, in them and so you can go through two blankets a day with no problem. Now, I believe two packs of blankets should be more than enough to survive. ;)Bassinet:
Newborn babies spend most of their time sleeping therefore having a light-weight bed to put them to sleep no matter what room of the house you are in is so helpful. This does not have to be exactly a bassinet, it could be any newborn bed-like place you can move with you around the house while you cook, clean, shower, study, read or even watch TV. This is especially helpful if you live in a two-story house.Hand-Covered Clothing:
Newborns have a tendency to scratch their faces. And even though mittens are helpful they tend to fall out, and like socks get lost in the washer. So having onesies or pajamas with hand coverings is specially helpful to prevent them from scratching their eyes.Gift Cards:
You will most likely receive gift cards from friends and family and it's so tempting to go out and spend every penny of those gift cards before baby arrives. However, I would highly recommend saving some money on those gift cards for after baby. As new moms we have high expectations of how we will parent our children and we tend to overlook baby items that can give us some sanity. So when that baby comes and you realize you really needed "X" baby item, it is so helpful to use that extra money to go get whatever you didn't know you needed.There are obviously a lot of different items you will use and won't use, however, remember that newborn babies need most of all is to be LOVED. As long as you love that little baby of yours, you both will be just fine. You will get a hang of things and be a great mommy.
**This post was NOT sponsored. Every item I mentioned truly helped me through these first weeks of motherhood.
My friend is a few months off from having her first baby, they always say they don't want anything but I'm totes going to put together a little care pack of essentials - all these items sound perfect :)