Man, man, man, hosting Thanksgiving was a TON of work! lol. Who knew? Probably every mom and grandma and wife that's ever hosted thanksgiving knows. Decorating, cooking, hosting, feeding people and then cleaning up takes a lot of work. I was exhausted and fell asleep on the couch at 10:00PM after cleaning was done and everyone had gone home. But my heart was full. I woke up on the couch with blankets on and my husband sitting next to me caressing my head as he kissed me and said "It was beautiful, I'm so proud of you." And that is the moment, the words that move every grandma, mom and wife to spend months of planning, cooking and working for.

I'm so thankful for my family. I couldn't have done any of this if it wasn't for both my mom and my momma-in-law. And it was so nice to serve them and give them a moment that I guess every woman longs for, to see their children praise her. Because after years of serving their own children and caring about no one else but everyone around them, they deserve someone to say, you are worth every single day that you were alive. I know this sounds more like mother's day speech, but I'm thankful for them. I'm also thankful for my dad and my father-in-law, who worked so hard to provide my husband and I with everything we needed. And still go out of their way to do it to this day. We are a product of their labor. And to all my siblings, including Juancho & Maurice for bringing joy to my life. Duce & I love each and every single one of you.

And thank you. For reading, supporting, and showing love to this little space of mine. I love sharing my life with all of you. You motivate me and keep this dream of mine, to share my life, alive. Thank you.


  1. What a beautiful layout, Juli! You outdid yourself <3
    Lovely words of tribute to your family as well :)

  2. Juli how beautiful! This looks AMAZING ❤ ❤
    Great work! Love it!!

  3. Lovely decor and the food looks delicious! Happy Belated Thanksgiving! xo

  4. This is a truly beautiful tablescape. Wonderful!

    XO Liza

  5. aww how lovely, both photos and sentiments :) Your thanksgiving efforts truly were beautiful!



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